How Your Donation Turns Into Impact Bringing Hope

Here are just some examples of the current work of EMI UK and the impact of our partnership in this ministry bringing Hope.

Adam Gordon who heads up the Structural Engineering department in the Uganda office reports on a site visit to the Amazima Wellness Centre nearing completion.  This is the latest phase in the large school complex that EMI Uganda has been involved with developing since its masterplan was designed some 20 years ago.

Rob Quail, our Project Manager in EMI Nicaragua continues to lead the Creation Care network within EMI worldwide. The team are currently writing the Job Description for an External Leader to produce a Sustainable Design Guide for EMI offices giving methodologies and guidance on designing for climate change in the Global South.

Nick & Liz Byles continue to travel around the offices with Nick delivering Project Management training – the next trips planned are to the newer Nicaragua and Mexico offices.  David Wright is developing his role as Regional Director for the UK & Africa time zones, meeting regularly with both the Global office staff and the various office Directors.

Gavin Taylor and Luke & Bethany Hanson based in the EMI Uganda office will be returning home in May at the end of their internships. Laura Gordon, our intern coordinator, is currently placing two new volunteers for the next intern term starting in June.

Recent project trip volunteers include Thomas Adamson and Jonny Scott who were in the Democratic Republic of Congo as engineers.

Jamie Shotter and Stephen Douglas were in northern Uganda as civil engineer and architect, working on the Leadership Academy of Uganda, Gulu.

In addition to the in-person meetings held around the UK in April (join us for the next round in the autumn!), Catherine Bookham, our student outreach worker, held a recent online lunchtime gathering for students interested in the Intern programme.

If you are attending the Big Church Festival on the south coast at the end of May – or the David’s Tent event at the end of August – we are exhibiting in the Resource Tents – come and say hello!

As you can see, EMI UK is an active and growing ministry within the worldwide EMI network. 

Will you partner with us, bringing Hope?

Mobilising Passionate Professionals: 

With your generous donations, EMI UK can mobilise a team of highly skilled and passionate design professionals and support staff. These individuals volunteer on our project teams and continue EMI's transformative work.

Donations allow EMI UK to participate in the generation of volunteer teams of skilled individuals. These teams are not just about design but about discipleship and mentoring the next generation through our internship and fellowship programmes.

Your support sends EMI project teams across borders, where they immerse themselves in local communities. This crucial on-the-ground work ensures that we fully capture the vision of our ministry partners.

Empowering Christian Ministries:

The drawings and reports your donations generate through project trips are powerful tools for ministries worldwide. They use these materials to secure funding and facilitate the construction of safe, appropriate facilities that resonate with their mission and community needs.  

The full-time staff, interns and fellows in local EMI offices around the world then develop those designs through detail design and technical drawings – and increasingly have the capability to offer project management and construction inspections to ensure the projects are delivered well on site. 

Creating Spaces of Hope:

These projects provide well-designed spaces tailored to the ministry's needs. The facilities become hubs of service and hope, fostering community growth and transformation.

Ultimately, donated funds help infuse communities with the hope of Jesus through the medium of design. This work is deeply integrated within the mission of EMI and aligns with the broader efforts of the Church to meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of communities worldwide. By focusing on practical solutions like providing clean water, safe shelter, and educational opportunities, 

EMI acts as a tangible response to the prayers of many, showcasing God’s love through each project completed – bringing Hope.

Will you partner with us in this work?  

Will you commit to pray for the Ministry?  Sign up to receive our monthly prayer letter and join our summer prayer and praise event.

Will you support us financially as we seek to reach UK Christian design professionals and students with the opportunities to serve – and to inform the wider church in the UK of our Mission?  £20, £50 or even £100 monthly would make a great difference to our UK office running costs.  Give through this link, selecting ‘Give to the EMI Fund’.  Thank you.

Would you consider being a ‘church rep’ for EMI UK in your church?  We would send you basic information a couple of times a year and we ask you to keep EMI in the sights of your church’s mission work. Email with the name and address of your church.