What does it really look like to integrate your faith and work?

For the last 42 years, we have actively transformed communities around the world. Whether at your desk or overseas, you can be a change-maker too.

Join us and Christian design professionals from around the US for a jam-packed weekend of content and connection that will leave you thinking critically about work, life, and faith. We've got an incredible line-up of speakers ranging from global EMI staff to ministry and corporate leaders who are ready to share key insights with you. Whether you're considering a move overseas or simply needing to be refreshed in your work, this event is for you. 

Are you ready to make a lasting difference in the world?

Register before August 20th to receive our early bird discount!

Full Day Event

This year we have invited speakers from within and outside of EMI to break down our mission statement for you to gain an inside look on what it looks like at EMI alongside tangible ways for you to implement it in your day to day life. We will also have an exhibit hall for you to actively engage with the content that interests you!

8:30 - 9:15am Welcome & Worship
9:20 - 10:05am Develop People | Living out your faith as a young professional
10:45 - 11:35am Design Structures | The impact of design on communities
11:35am - 1:05pm Lunch
1:05 - 1:40pm Construct Facilities | Projects that make kingdom impact
2:20 - 3:20pm That Serve Communities | Direct community engagement
4:00 - 4:45pm That Serve the Church | New creation and how design professionals fit into it
5:30 - 6:45pm Dinner
6:45 - 8:00pm Keynote & Closing

Optional Workshops & Welcome Reception

Take your pick on a variety of technical workshops, trainings, and social gatherings. Whether or not you can attend this day, please join us for our welcome reception Friday evening as we kick off the weekend!

Full Day Session


Leadership Summit | This full day intensive leadership training is open to anyone.

Morning Session

(choose one)


CalOES Safety Assessment Program (CSAP)

Hands-On Lab: Shelters in Disaster Response

Sharing Your Faith Cross-Culturally

WASH in Alaska & Healthcare Facilities

Afternoon Session

(choose one)


Living out Your Faith in the Marketplace

Confined Masonry - Design and Construction

WASH in Emergencies

Shelter in Emergencies

Power Hour Session

(choose one)


DR/DRR Foundations

WASH in Peri-Urban environments

5:30 - 8:30pm

Welcome Reception at US & Global office



Workshop schedule subject to change.

Is this event only for people considering staff or new to EMI?

No, we have intentionally created an event that will be beneficial to you no matter where you're at in your career! We've recognized our unique position to connect Christian design professionals to each other and provide you with tangible skills that will be applicable starting the Monday afterwards. Whether this is your first EMI interaction or your 100th, we believe this content will be beneficial to you.

Can I receive Continuing Education Credits?

CEUs are available for technical content only, which will occur during optional workshops on Friday.

EMI is an approved provider with the AIA. Engineers and architects should verify the requirements of their state licensure.

Is there a hotel identified for the event? 

We will not be partnering with any specific hotel for the event, but Colorado Springs has a large variety of lodging options in terms of price and proximity. Try checking out hotels, airbnbs and even camping in the area! 

What is the dresscode?

The dresscode is business casual, but you will certainly see a range of outfits so don't worry too much about it. Some people come dressed more casual (it is Colorado after all) and others dress much more formally. 

Will this event be livestreamed?

No, we will not be livestreaming this event. We hope that you can join us in person!

My question wasn't answered here, who do I ask? 

Contact us at event.us@emiworld.org

Leadership in the Workplace - Technical competency doesn't always translate to the skills needed to lead design teams, departments, or organizations. EMI has spent the past several years developing a leadership training program aimed at helping our staff learn the skills needed to lead teams well. Successful leadership requires the practical hard skills that typically come to mind as well as the softer skills of supporting and developing our teams, while both must be undergirded by integrity and a healthy spiritual life which will sustain us for the long-haul.  This highly practical program will guide you toward behaviors that you implement as soon as you get back to the office.

Morning Sessions (8:30-12:30):

Electrical System Test and Measurement Hands-On Lab – Site evaluation and troubleshooting are some of the most critical contributions electrical design professionals make to EMI projects. Engineers use various tools to help design new power systems and identify existing electrical problems at ministries. This workshop course will equip you to perform these functions using electrical test and measurement equipment, even if you have not been on a project trip before.  We will include hands-on training with Fluke® Clamp Meters, Ground Testers, and Power Loggers that are currently in use with EMI teams worldwide. This training qualifies for 4 continuing education units.

Cheyenne Canyon Hike - Explore the beauty of the Front Range! We will be organizing a hike near Colorado Springs to spend time in God’s amazing creation of the Rocky Mountains.  Exact location will be confirmed closer in but we expect a 5-7 mile, moderately intense hike.  This will be a fun time of fellowship together so bring your hiking boots and connect with others in the EMI Network!


Afternoon Sessions (1:30-3:30):

Architectural Gathering – Join your fellow architects for an informal gathering and discussion. Whether you are an EMI volunteer, staff, fellow, intern, or just curious about eMi, let's get together and get to know each other. It will be a great time to ask questions and share stories.  Come hear about what's happening in EMI's architecture group, from staff needs to project trips, and how you can be involved.  EMI representatives will include staff architects, fellows, interns and experienced volunteers.

Electrical Engineers Gathering – Join us for an informal gathering and discussion on electrical engineering within EMI.  Connect with engineers, ask questions, and discuss some improvements that are being made to the EMI Electrical Design Guide. (This is a handbook that outlines EMI standards and acts as a reference for electrical design work in majority world contexts.)  Come if you have suggestions for improvements, inspirational stories from the field, or want to explore what it means to go on a project trip as a volunteer.

WASH Gathering – Join us for an informal gathering and discussion on Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) at EMI.  Connect with engineers, ask questions, and learn more about how you can get involved.

Garden of the Gods Tour – Explore one of Colorado Springs’ most notable landmarks. With 300’ towering sandstone rock formations (see banner photo above) and a well done visitor center with information, there is a lot to see and enjoy!  Walking paths are paved and accessible for easy mobility. This will be a great time to connect with others in the EMI Network.