The EMI Fund

The EMI Fund supports all that we do at EMI. With a strong foundation, we can keep designing a world of hope.
Select a payment method:

Please consider Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as your payment option. Compared with Credit Cards, EFT (or e-check) significantly reduces EMI's overhead costs for donation processing.

At EMI, we're driven to be good stewards of our resources and have received the highest commendations for doing so.
Give to Growing Globally
Give towards EMI’s key growth initiatives: water, sanitation, and hygiene. Learn more...
Select a payment method:

Please consider Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as your payment option. Compared with Credit Cards, EFT (or e-check) significantly reduces EMI's overhead costs for donation processing.

Select a payment method:

Please consider Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as your payment option. Compared with Credit Cards, EFT (or e-check) significantly reduces EMI's overhead costs for donation processing.

Select a payment method:

Please consider Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as your payment option. Compared with Credit Cards, EFT (or e-check) significantly reduces EMI's overhead costs for donation processing.

Select a payment method:

Please consider Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as your payment option. Compared with Credit Cards, EFT (or e-check) significantly reduces EMI's overhead costs for donation processing.

Other ways to give

We appreciate your willingness to support us financially. We take this seriously, and want to earn your trust and confidence that your donation will be handled properly and in the most efficient manner possible. To that end, EMI Canada is an associate member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities, and we openly disclose our financial statements with the public. We have a yearly independent financial review to verify that we are in compliance with industry and government regulations.

Gifts are tax deductible. Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by EMI Canada. Should a donor designate a contribution, we will honour that designation, with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by EMI Canada, the remaining designated gifts will be used where most needed.

Our Canada Revenue Agency Registration Number is #858529753RR0001