History & Focus
After a short-term trip to an island in the Pacific in 1981, God gave a structural engineer a vision to involve design professionals in ministry to people in need. This vision became EMI.
As EMI’s staff and locations grew over the years, the leadership of EMI recognized the need to keep EMI’s global efforts unified and in-focus.
In 2013, EMI created a Global team to steward the Vision and Mission and promote strategic advancement.
EMI Global exists to set direction, empower, guide, and protect EMI worldwide.
We plan and launch new initiatives, programmes, and locations to follow God in response to a changing world,
And we work hard to ensure the people of EMI grow and flourish in the places God has planted them.
EMI Around the World in 2023

The Fuller Projection Map design is a trademark of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. ©1938, 1967 & 1992. All rights reserved, www.bfi.org.