Curious about what an internship with EMI looks like? Interested in hearing about others' experiences with EMI? Join us to hear how other young professionals have experienced design, discipleship, & diversity at EMI.

We will spend a few minutes sharing about the basics of who EMI is and what an internship with EMI includes. We'll then hear from intern alumni as they share their experiences. We will leave plenty of time for Q&A with our intern alumni.

Register to receive the event link to join us on Tuesday, February 25 at 5:30 pm MDT (7:30 pm EDT / 6:30 pm CDT / 4:30 pm PDT).

This event is targeted to American college students or those early in their careers and interested in serving with EMI. Non-Americans are welcome to join, but some information will be specific to Americans in this program.

Learn more about our Internships at the EMI website and subscribe to EMI: Faith+Work to stay up-to-date on what's happening at EMI!