Matthew Coffey

Director of Communications / Editor
EMI Global
Joined EMI: January 2002
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Professional Training & Experience

  • BS Civil Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA, 1998
  • Consulting Engineering in Illinois, 1998-2001
  • Serving with EMI India, 2001-2016, as Office Director 2003-2015
  • Editing & publishing for EMI, 2003-Present

Matthew spent most of his adult life in India, learning culture and language, and how to serve Indian ministries through the technical ministry of EMI. Those years of learning translated into development and refinement of EMI's teamwork & ministry in India and elsewhere. Matthew has also been involved in editing and publishing for EMI in print and on the web for over 15 years. He serves as EMI's Communication Director and Editor, managing a team of full and part-time staff and contributors to EMI Communications. Experiencing EMI's ministry overseas as an intern, staff, office director, as a single, married, and married with children, is invaluable to his work and ministry at EMI Global.

Ministry Experience

Involvement in a small group at a church in Chicago during a crossroad point in an early structural engineering career led Matthew to question where God was calling him to invest. The sudden discovery of EMI in 2001 came in direct answer to prayer. Through the years, God has been faithful to provide opportunities to pray for, mentor, and coach His people, which is the heart of Matthew's passion for ministry at EMI.


Matthew met Ivy, an architect from Hong Kong, at EMI India in 2001. Ivy & Matthew married in India in 2007 and have two boys who were born in Delhi, Sean (born 2012) & Nevin (born 2014). The Coffeys live in Colorado Springs, USA.