Project Portfolio

NICO Training Centre

The North India Community Outreach (NICO) was founded to equip local leaders through leadership training conferences, supporting full time workers,children’s outreach programs, homes for children, and sponsorship for the needy. With the increased growth in the ministry, there was a need for a permanent base for NICO. In 2003, NICO bought a 2700 sq.ft. property in the city of Shimla. 

The new centre includes the following:

  1. A conference room for large group meeting/training with kitchen serving the conference.
  2. Children’s Home facilities should include: bedrooms, dining, study, play area and toilet facilities for 20-25 young girls and staff.
  3. General office space for staff, a director‘s office, a common/reading room and pantry /kitchen.
  4. Accommodations for visiting guests / workers.
  5. Residence for the leadership family.

Right: Concept rendering done in 2004.