Project Portfolio

Bridge Consultation, Nepal

Project Details
Client nameNepal Christian Revival Mission
CompletedJuly 2017
ConstructionLocal Contractor
Funding sourceInternational
Project detail20m Span, Single Lane Bridge
LocationBakrang Valley, Nepal
Designed byEMI India

EMI was asked by a local pastor and his supporters to assist them in getting a bridge built over the river that cuts off their village from road access during the rainy season.  Originally planned by the Nepal government, the bridge was several years behind the front of the line for funding and construction.  The projects supporters decided to raise money for the construction of the bridge privately, but needed the cost to be significantly reduced.  EMI reviewed the design of the bridge and made value engineering suggestions to bring the design in line with their budget target while still being a robust and well-designed solution to their monsoon season transportation needs.  The suggestions were well received by the government, it was redesigned and moved quickly into construction once the funds were in hand.