Project Portfolio
Quidditas Goat Dairy Farm
Quidditas Farms is a start-up goat milk dairy production company in the south Indian state of Karnataka. Incorporated in 2015, farming operations began in August 2016. Operating as a social enterprise, the company currently produces and processes goat’s milk for sale in India. EMI designed the masterplan for their 21 acre farm in 2015 and has remained involved since with revisions to the building designs and advancing the water system planning.
The vision of Quidditas Farms is to end rural poverty in Gulbarga and beyond by establishing sustainable business and employment opportunities for the rural poor. They aspire to be the premier branded manufacturer of goat’s milk nutritional products in India, transforming the lives of their employees and producers, trusted by consumers and respected for fair-dealing by their suppliers.
The first building to be completed on site is a multipurpose building made up of goat sheds, milk processing and storage areas. In the next phase of the project it will include an expanded milk process facility and in the final phase become the veterinary space.