Place of Rescue Transition House, Cambodia
Project Details
Place of Rescue is a non-governmental organization that was established just outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 2003 as a safe haven for terminal AIDS patients and their families. Separated from the pollution and commotion of the city, this peaceful village provides intimate spiritual, physical, and emotional care for afflicted families. Today, Place of Rescue has become home to children left behind by deceased parents or who through other circumstances would not have a home.
In 2009, Place of Rescue invited EMI to design House of New Dreams on a 23m x 18m gated plot in Phnom Penh. This was to be a transition home for their high school graduates as they pursue further education or vocational training in the capital. A key request was that while it would be programmed specifically to be a group home it had to blend into the neighbourhood and not draw undue attention to itself. It had to "Cambodian".
To meet this important request, the EMI team walked the neighbourhood to capture local building styles and spoke with local builders and engineers to ensure the design incorporated available building materials and common construction practices. The ministry was very pleased with the result and today, House of New Dreams is home to young adults who had a difficult start in life but who now have a safe, comfortable community home to launch them toward independence.