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Supporting Mission Hospitals in COVID-19,

EMI India,

Design skills are having an impact on the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19 in South Asia!

EMI India is providing pro-bono design services for five different mission hospitals in rural areas to help them prepare for COVID patients. Using plans of the existing hospital spaces, the team is creating layouts for managing COVID patients with the required social distancing and hygiene protocols. These layouts include staff and patient flow patterns, bed layouts, and more.

Two of these mission hospitals have been given notice that they will be taken over by the state and district health departments, as an official government COVID-19 hospital shortly. 

Celebrating Dirk Anderson’s 10 years of service with EMI

EMI Global,

Dirk came to EMI in 2010 eager to engage in the vision of combining Design and Missions after volunteering on a number of EMI project trips. Anyone that knows Dirk, knows of his passion for architecture, missions, Christ and the Florida Gators!  Dirk especially loves being able to help our mission hospital partners as they continue to serve the medical and spiritual needs of their communities around the world.  His enthusiasm for his work is unmatched and his energy brings life to an office full of introverts.  More importantly, his prayers reflect his devotion and trust in our Savior and King.  Dirk’s current activities include leading projects and leading the US office design studio.  He loves EMI, his wife, Joy, and their three children, Kelvyn, Kyra, and Kaden, who have nearly all graduated from home. 

We are grateful for your heart, knowledge, faith and passion, Dirk!

4-Star Charity for the 14th year!

EMI United States,

At EMI, we are driven to be good stewards of our resources. On 1-March-2020, Charity Navigator again rated EMI as a 4-Star charity - a status EMI has held for 14 years in a row. Charity Navigator told us:

"We are proud to announce Engineering Ministries International has earned our fourteenth consecutive 4-star rating. This is our highest possible rating and indicates that your organization adheres to sector best practices and executes its mission in a financially efficient way. Attaining a 4-star rating verifies that Engineering Ministries International exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in your area of work.

Less than 1% of the charities we evaluate have received at least 14 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that Engineering Ministries International outperforms most other charities in America. This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets Engineering Ministries International apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness."

 We thank God for this recognition and work hard to keep the trust our clients, donors, volunteers, and others have placed in EMI's ministry.