Antonio Rafael

Consulting Civil Engineer
EMI South Africa
Joined EMI: August 2023
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Professional Training & Experience

  • ND. Civil Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology – South Africa, Cape Town 2019.

Having moved from Angola after matriculating, Antonio lived in Namibia for few months, where he took English classes in order to enroll the University of Namibia in hopes to join the Civil Engineering degree program.

When an opportunity to go to France on a bursary came, a move to Angola was decided in order to prepare and go to France. Unfortunately it never materialized due to unforeseen circumstances, so many months where spent in Angola waiting for a direction, until enough finances where acquired in order to move to South Africa, Cape Town.

After many fights with visas, Antonio arrived in Cape Town, late to begin his academic year, only left with an opportunity to go back to high school and join grade 11. After a year Antonio started his studies at CPUT, starting in Chemical engineering and later switching to Civil Engineering.

Antonio has worked on various projects involving different civil subject group mainly civil works, Reticulation and Transportation in South Africa as a Civil Engineer Technician and also in Angola as a freelancer Civil Engineer Technician. 


Ministry Experience

Coming from a Christian household, Antonio has always been exposed to the ministry, having his dad serve as an evangelist at their local church and a teacher of the theological institution in his home town back in Angola (ISTEL), where his dad served for two terms as the principal and his mom being part of the women’s ministry.

As he grew up he was led to the Lord by his father at a tender age of 8 years old, after being exposed to the book of revelation that used to be read to him by his uncles, based on fear of what the book describes.

Antonio has been serving in the usher’s ministry both churches he was a member. He served as a leader of ushers when he was serving in the Portuguese Baptist Church in Cape Town from 2012 until 2017 and then when he became a member at Christ Church Tygerberg where he is currently serving as an usher.

Antonio has always been passionate about missionary trips, having spent most of his teenage years living and interacting with missionaries from various parts of the world, being intrigued by their mission and the way of carrying the message of the cross to all the people.


Being the first born of five siblings, Antonio has always been the care taker of his brothers and sisters, having to look after them even when his two sisters and a brother had to move to South Africa for studies, joining them three more people who had to be looked after by him. Now after studies some of them have decided to return to Angola and others have decided to stay In South Africa and start their careers and families. Antonio is a single father of a beautiful daughter and he shares her custody with the mother having his parents, brothers and sisters stand behind him and support him raise her.