Chamonix Stuart

Candidate Architect
EMI South Africa
Joined EMI: January 2023
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Professional Training & Experience

  • BAS, Architecture, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Certificate in Property Development and Investment, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • BAS Honours, Architecture, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Master of Architecture, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Chamonix recently completed her masters in architecture. Shortly after, she started working at EMI. During her architectural studies, she completed a part time course in property development and investment. She subsequently started developing and managing a few properties around Cape Town.

Ministry Experience

Chamonix has been involved in a variety of ministries over the last 10 years. In recent years majority of them had a key focus on engaging the inequalities of Cape Town.

In 2021 she was part of a team of 4 people that started a network of Microchurches with the desire to connect people across the spatial boundaries of Cape Town through incarnational ministry. This movement has grown since to become a registered organisation of which she serves on the directors’ board. They have also established a few microchurches across Cape Town, one of which Chamonix and her husband help lead in Muizenberg.


Inspired by her father, Desmond’s, deep passion for building God’s kingdom through engineering, Chamonix followed his footsteps into the built Environment.

Chamonix is married to Cameron, a financial planner, graphic designer, and photographer. Together they have a passion to see the stark spatial boundaries in Cape Town changed. Through involvement in their network church, they seek to be used as bridges in this divide one friendship at a time. 

In their spare time, their biggest passion as a couple is to take people along on all sorts of adventures, from surfing, to camping, to overlanding, to all sorts of sporting activities.