Birthplace: Temple, Maine, USA
Profession: EMI Representative
Joined EMI: September 2005
Verse: 1 Chronicles 29:14
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Martin Luther King Jr. once wrote, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” This has been evident in the unfolding of the Hoyt family’s lives in Uganda.

Desiring to serve Christ by using Steve’s abilities in Architecture, in 2005 the Hoyt family accepted a staff position with EMI, sold most of their possessions, and moved to Uganda. All was exciting, even a bit scary, but little did they know the blessings God had in store for them.

During the first 2 years of their Ugandan tenure, Steve served as both staff Architect and short-term Project Leader. However, in God’s own time, and by his grace and the application of His wisdom through then EMI Uganda Director, Chad Gamble, Steve moved into the field of Construction Management (CM).

In late 2007, Steve eagerly accepted this opportunity only to have it stretch and grow him like nothing ever had. He was blessed to have a core group of 4 Ugandan men and 1 Uganda woman join him in advancing God’s directives for the CM program in ways he couldn’t have imagined. Jobs were created, people discipled (Steve included), the cross-training program planted, and beautiful buildings were constructed. Now, years later, the CM program continues to grow as national and international EMI staff join hands in order to expand the CM program well beyond the original 6 employees of Steve, Richard, Hope, Jonah, Yusuf, and Cossy. This is both cross-cultural and generational work because this is God’s work.

Then, in September 2016, Steve moved from directly helping build the CM program, to helping start a fabrication workshop based on the same principles that guide the CM program today. And it’s a win for EMI’s partnering ministries as well since, blooming out from the focus on the lives of people, EMI’s partnering ministries long-term construction needs are effectively met.

So please make no mistake about it, trusses, doors, cabinets, and such are only the byproduct as they continuing to build into the most important product of all – dynamic lives in Christ. Discipleship, job creation, and cross training are foundational to the Workshop ministry.

In 2018 the Hoyts were called to again utilize their gifts and talents to build people but this time at a school in Kenya. They were succonded to Rift Valley Academy. Steve while remaining with eMi is serving the design, infrastructure maintance, and fabrication needs of a boarding school for the children of missionaries serving in Africa. Melinda teaches sewing in Home Economics and volunteers occationally in academic support and Titchie, teaching 4th grade science.

In 2005 the Hoyts stepped into the unknown. Now, sixteen years later, Steve is affectionately called “Jajja”, which in Luganda means “grandfather”. Their core family has doubled since arriving that humid September morning. Their beloved friends have multiplied exponentially. But most importantly they have diminished in their own eyes, and because of that, they can see more clearly the beautiful path God has allowed them to walk. Living and working in East Africa is not a burden at all, rather it is a beautiful privilege.

If you would like to join their team please contact them for more information.
