A Moment of Reflection and Celebration

The last five years have brought tremendous growth as we went from a team of five architects and engineers to a multi-disciplinary team of sixteen full-time staff. As the number of projects, countries and people change, our core values continue to guide us in all that we do. 

Our core values


We have worked on over thirty projects in Southern Africa creating designs that fit the local context and are sustainable, affordable, and serve the larger community. These projects include hospitals, churches, and schools just to name a few. 


EMI South Africa is intentional about discipleship and mentoring young design professionals. We have seen the impact on upcoming design professionals through the young professional development programme focusing on holistic development professionally and personally.


As our office grows and connects with people of diverse backgrounds, and ethnicities, we witness the grace of embracing our uniqueness in God's love. Our team has six heart languages and has partnered with over seventy project volunteers from different countries, serving in God's Kingdom. 

Below is a snapshot of the number of projects & countries we have worked in as well as the number of young professionals who have participated in the internship and fellowship programmes.


As we come to the end of this first edition

We hope you enjoyed the journey and look forward to sharing quarterly editions featuring the stories of our people and projects.

We are grateful for all God has done in the last five years and cannot wait to see what He continues to do. This would not be possible without our global EMI family and partners. You too are invited to join us at the table by contributing financially, joining a project trip, or praying with us.  

Thank you for pulling up your chair and venturing with us on this journey of designing a world of hope.

To help us best identify volunteer placement on project trips, please log-in to your EMI account to express interest in this opportunity. Please take a moment to review your account information and update it as necessary. If you do not have an EMI account, you can create one.

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To help us best identify volunteer placement on project trips, please log-in to your EMI account to express interest in this opportunity. Please take a moment to review your account information and update it as necessary. If you do not have an EMI account, you can create one.

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