South Africa Newsletter, September
Fellows Feature
Discipleship is a core value of EMI and we want to see this having an impact on our young professionals that join our programmes. The EMI Fellowship Programme aims to raise up the next generation of Christian design professionals to be professionally competent and spiritually mature, that they may be influencers in the Church and in the design profession worldwide. Under the leadership of our Fellowship Coordinator, Matthew Moeckel, the EMI South Africa team has been privileged to have a diverse group of fellows come through our office since the programme's inception in 2020.
Fellowship updates:
Here’s a brief update on our fellows in the office. You can learn more about them below.
Antonio Rafael - Having returned to Angola, Antonio is working remotely for our office as he processes his visa renewal application. He shares a fun fact that inspires us!
Shayla Dick - We are excited to have welcomed Shayla, Architectural Fellow, in mid-July, from the USA - the South Africa office is her second placement. Shayla has already participated in the coordination and co-leading of Revit training for our team and will continue to support our transition to using Revit for our design work.
Ellery Walker - Ellery has been in our office since August 2021, she has recently returned from a project trip in Mpumalanga for a new master plan project, which she is co-leading. For the second time this year, Ellery is co-facilitating a book study for the interns in our office.
Sally Clark - Another fellow from the USA office will join us in October. Sally is a business development fellow - find out more about what that means as she shares what she'll be doing in our office.
Henco Posthumus - our first local South African fellow and his wife, Bianca, were mobilised to another EMI office in July. Goodbyes are tough but we are so thankful for God's provision in providing Henco and Bianca with this great second office placement opportunity!
Earlier this year, our global digital magazine, Inside EMI, published a feature titled 'Discipleship In Action'. You can read the feature or watch the short video (links below), filmed with our fellows in the South Africa office! *
*Hedina was a civil engineering fellow from the Uganda office. She was with us for her second placement from August-December 2021.
An Update on the Fellows in the EMI South Africa Team

Antonio Rafael
Birthplace: Angola
Fellowship Start Date: July 2021 | Position: Civil Engineering Fellow |First Placement Office: EMI ZA

What are you doing during your time with the EMI SA Team?
I am part of the Engineering team, the ones who are responsible for bringing to life the plans and vision developed by the client and the EMI Architecture team. As a Civil Engineer, I get to partner with them in the mission of bringing design into the vision God has placed in the hearts of our clients and I hope to make that vision come to life.
What is your experience of discipleship in your time with EMI?
Through EMI I have experienced discipleship on a whole new level. I have had the privilege of seeing professionals in my line of work and other spheres too, intentionally invest in my professional and spiritual development, showing love and care beyond comprehension, allowing me to learn and at the same time be in a position where I can love and care for others by investing and discipling them.
Fun Fact
I would like to open another EMI office one day in my country of origin, Angola!
Shayla Dick
Birthplace: USA
Fellowship Start Date: August 2020 | Position: Architectural Fellow | First Placement Office: EMI USA

What are you doing during your time with the EMI SA Team?
I started my fellowship journey with EMI in August of 2020 as an Architectural Fellow in the EMI USA office located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, after completing my Master of Architecture in May. I committed to the fellowship in December of 2019, and though the road looked uncertain for a while, I was still able to start the program in August of 2020 despite the pandemic. Now, as part of the Fellowship Programme I am serving in my second office assignment here in South Africa. While here I will be helping co-lead master planning and architectural projects, as well as participate in some of the construction management of buildings we have currently being constructed! The construction implementation aspect of EMI South Africa’s work is super exciting because it is an important component of the experience I need in becoming a licensed architect.
What is your experience of discipleship in your time with EMI?
My favourite aspect of the Fellowship Programme has been spiritual discipleship I’ve received through the programme, though this was not always the case. I joined the programme as a way into EMI as a young professional because it was my dream job: using my technical architectural skills to build God’s kingdom. The fellowship coursework and discipleship was just a necessary component of that package. However, because we were unable to travel for much of the beginning of my fellowship, God took away a lot of that project work that I thought “I was here for” and squarely turned my attention to developing me spiritually in my relationship with him through the programme curriculum. Suddenly I found that meetings with my spiritual mentor and classroom assignments contemplating the Trinity of God were filling me in ways I had never leaned into before because I had not been pushed to prioritize them. I will always point back to the EMI Fellowship Programme for shaping me into the person I’m becoming today.
Fun Fact
Through the EMI Fellowship Programme I’ve gained over half of my required professional work experience (3,740 hours total) and was given the opportunity to study for, sit for, and by the grace of God pass my six licensing exams toward becoming a licensed architect in the US!
Ellery Walker
Birthplace: USA
Fellowship Start Date: August 2021 | Position: Master Planning Fellow | First Placement Office: EMI ZA

What are you doing during your time with the EMI SA Team?
As a Master Planning Fellow with EMI, I have the privilege of helping our clients develop long-term plans to guide their future growth and development in ways that align with their mission and enable them to be more effective in the work they do, and I get to be part of creating beautiful, meaningful, transformative spaces in the process. I’m involved with the development of site master plans, strategic plans, and assessments, and I also use my training in public health to help us leverage our design work to further benefit the health of our clients and those they serve.
What is your experience of discipleship in your time with EMI?
As someone who deeply values learning, I love that EMI’s focus on discipleship allows me to be in a position of continual learning. We recognize that we are all first and foremost followers of Jesus, and EMI has cultivated an environment where we get to learn and grow alongside one another. I have more experienced professionals who are willing to teach me, invest in me, and share their lives with me, but then I also have the opportunity to share and invest in others. We are all disciples, and we all get to disciple.
Fun fact
I’m a lover of good, quality dark chocolate, and I’ve tried more than two dozen different local South African chocolate bars since moving to Cape Town.
Sally Clark
Birthplace: USA
Fellowship Start date: August 2021 | Position: Business Marketing Fellow | First placement office: EMI USA

What will you be doing during your time with the EMI SA Team?
I studied Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing, so while in South Africa I will be working on the Business Development team which essentially means fundraising. This will include developing content and strategies and getting to connect with people in the area.
What is your experience of discipleship in your time with EMI?
Over the last year, I have been working in the US and have had the incredible opportunity of getting to connect with our amazing donors that allow us to do the work we do. One thing that I did not expect coming into this position was the discipleship aspect. I am blessed to be able to have been poured into in the office and that gives me the opportunity to be able to pour into our supporters as I speak with them. Our supporters come from all different walks of life and over the last year, God has opened my eyes to ways in which they are hurting, which has led to so many vulnerable, deep conversations that ultimately point towards discipleship.
Fun Fact
I’m from a teeny tiny farming town in California that lacks people but makes up for it with 15+ wineries that people come from all over to visit.