Project Scope

RVA is a Christian boarding school in central Kenya with over a hundred years of rich history. They serve about 500 students representing 30 nationalities. Many come from a range of churches and sending organizations. Their role is dyadic: supporting current mission work while investing in the next generation of leaders and gospel-bearers. As a branch of Africa Inland Mission, they exist to see Christ-centered churches established and thriving among all of Africa’s peoples.

Rift Valley Academy sits on 90 acres of the upper escarpment overlooking Kenya’s vast and sunlit Rift Valley. At an elevation of more than 7,000 feet, RVA is sometimes referred to as the school in the clouds, and the campus is frequented by monkeys, baboons, and exotic birdlife.

RVA is comprised of an elementary, a junior high, and a senior high school. The campus contains nineteen student dormitories, staff housing, a gymnasium, a music building, a drama hall, two sports fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, elementary recreational areas, a chapel, a cafeteria, an administrative building, and numerous facilities such as student health, counseling, and laundry, all of which support the daily and long-term needs of boarding students and staff families.

As RVA continues to maintain it's critical role in the broad missions field in Africa, it needs to ensure it's facilities and campus continue to meet their needs in the years to come.

EMI's responsibilities during this trip will include updating the survey, assessing the programming, circulation, accessibility, zoning, drainage, structures, and wastewater through documentation and a final report.

Below is the list of EMI responsibilities for the final report:

  • Site Analysis
    • Architectural site analysis and documentation, including Pedestrian/Vehicular Circulation, Handicap Accessibility, Zoning, Neighborhood Patterns and Climatic Conditions
  • Architectural Program
    • Documentation of existing programs, use of space and site functions
  • Stormwater Management
    • Documentation and assessment of both on and off-site drainage patterns and watershed analysis, including particular study into erosion-mitigation measures within RVA’s on-campus road network
  • Wastewater Management
    • Documentation and assessment of wastewater and sanitary systems, including distribution networks, soils percolation testing and verifying existing wastewater demand
  • Architectural/Structural Deficiencies
    • Documentation and assessment of the structural conditions within existing buildings/ancillary structures, as needed

East African Resident volunteers welcome.

— Thomas Gruen, EMI Uganda trip leader


Architecture: Planning, Landscape, Env. Design

Campus Design

Civil Engineering: Position filled
Structural Engineering: Position filled
Survey: Position filled
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