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EMI México is very excited to serve the local community in the design and future planning of the facilities for the Free Methodist Church in Ensenada, Mexico.

For over 50 years, the Free Methodist Church in Ensenada has been dedicated to expanding the kingdom of God and preaching the gospel. It has provided emotional and spiritual support to families and individuals in the community through local church meetings and activities related to community service and missions.

Project Scope

The scope of this project includes designing a master plan for two local churches in a single trip. Our goal is to maximize the use of time and resources, ensuring the greatest possible impact.


Project Scope for Each Church: 

Needs assessment of current facilities and proposal for improvements. Evaluation of the current facilities needs to identify areas that require improvements or updates. This may include infrastructure analysis, safety conditions, operational efficiency, and compliance with regulations.

Site master plan. Detailed and strategic planning of the site where the facilities of the Free Methodist Church in Ensenada are located. It includes the layout of buildings, parking areas, green spaces, pathways, and any other necessary infrastructure for future development.

Architectural design of the most representative buildings. Architectural design of the most significant and representative buildings within the project. This involves creating plans, elevations, and details that reflect the aesthetics and functionality of the spaces according to the defined needs and architectural style.

Structural and facilities systems proposals. This point refers to proposals related to the structural and systems facilities within the project. It includes the design and planning of systems such as: Electrical installations, Sanitary installations, Other technical systems. These proposals ensure that all technical infrastructures and necessary services are properly integrated and planned within the overall project design.


Architecture: Planning, Gen. Arch.
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