Medical Mission Eswatini (MME) collaborates with partner organizations to provide resilient, safe and sustainable improvements in health care to poor and remote communities in Eswatini and South Africa. MME is responding to the growing gap between the capacity and needs in vision care. MME currently partners with the Grace Vision Medical campus through an existing vision clinic in Siteki.

MME is planning to expand this existing campus with two focuses:

The Surgical Centre will expand the level and quality of care to patients. Surgery at this facility will reduce rates of blindness from cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy and address other correctable eye conditions. The space will also be interchangeable for ENT Surgery which is a seriously neglected area of care in Eswatini.

The Skills Transfer Centre will address the desperate and significant gap in health personnel training in ophthalmology in Southern Africa. The only current similar training center in Southern Africa is in Capetown. Another location for quality, accredited training in this region will enable young doctors with a passion for Eye Care to gain the skills and experience necessary to progress in the field.

There are so few ophthalmologists in these countries that people remain blind from easily preventable conditions for decades and must travel long distances, not always reaching or being availed the care they so desperately seek. Blindness has a devastating impact on all areas of life and this facility will transform the lives of many people and give them another opportunity to know God's redeeming love.

Project Scope

A concept design for the Surgical & Skills Transfer Centre building has already been completed by a healthcare planner. Our team will integrate this building concept into a larger, comprehensive masterplan that will address other programmatic needs for the site. Our team will also evaluate the existing water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical systems and provide recommendations for improvements and expansion for the growing campus. In addition, we will bring the concept design of the Surgical & Skills Transfer Centre through the design development phase of drawings.


ArchitecturePosition filled
Civil EngineeringPosition filled
Electrical EngineeringPosition filled
Mechanical EngineeringPosition filled
Structural EngineeringPosition filled