It is an honor to continue our partnership with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) PNG in Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea. MAF is relocating to new plots of land at the Kagamuga Airport and would like to develop design plans for construction of their new facilities.
EMI will be supporting MAF through assessing the existing infrastructure of the building site and work towards construction plans for bid to local contractors in PNG.
Project Scope
The EMI Team will be traveling to Port Moresby, PNG to connect with MAF and continue onward to the PNG headquarter base at Mount Hagen. As MAF expands and grows their main base in PNG, their service ministry to the region will be further supported and sustainable going into the future. The EMI Project Trip Team scope will include:
Project programming with MAF to further understand the project details, existing facilities, preferred building materials and methods, and other key site details.
Prepare concept design plans for MAF review
a. Review current concept plans created by MAF and prepare updates based on new programming, site information gathered and input from local practice construction methods.
b. While on site, the team will confirm the accuracy and usability of the existing topographic survey.
Interviews with local contractors to assess construction experience, work methods, and preferred materials for the design.
The EMI Cambodia Team will continue with the project works after the project team scope including:
Prepare 80% construction level plans for MAF review
a. Prepare plans suitable for bid tender to local contractors in PNG. Design to be based on the Papua New Guinea Adopted Australian Building Code. Where the code is lacking or found to be insufficient, International Building Code (IBC) will be used. Plans to include:
i. Architectural design layout of spaces and major materials and finishes (walls, windows, doors)
ii. Structural detailed design of major components (foundation, frame, roof)
iii. Civil Site detailed design (water supply, water storage, wastewater, drainage)
iv. Electrical detailed design for typical electrical fixtures (lights, sockets, distribution panels)
v. Plumbing detailed design for sanitary connections (water pipe, venting, wastewater drain)
vi. Prepare fit out cost estimates based on the use of each space in the completed design.
Prepare bid tender documents and evaluate the bids received. Tender documents to include:
a. Bid Instructions, Bill of Quantities (no pricing), 80% Construction Plans
Project Trip Volunteers will not be required to continue with the project works beyond the project trip scope noted above. However, be encouraged that your efforts in this project trip will directly help the project in moving into a fully constructed facility.
Would you prayerfully consider joining hands with EMI to see MAF's new headquarter facilities designed and constructed to support the ongoing and growing ministry work serving communities across Papua New Guinea?
Office Design
Steel Design