South Africa Newsletter, July
Welcome to the second edition of The Table
If you're new, welcome to our family! In this edition, we take a moment to look at the EMI Fellowship programme, which together with our Intern Programme, forms the foundation of our Young Professionals Development Programme.
The EMI Fellowship Programme is a Global programme that aims to raise the next generation of Christian design professionals. This is a two to three-year programme of dedicated professional and spiritual investment and growth.
In this edition, we also take a moment to congratulate our EMI South Africa Fellows who completed their fellowship in June 2023. But first, we invite you to take a deeper look at the Fellowship Programme.
A Deeper Look at EMI Fellowship
The Fellowship is a career training programme for young design professionals, designed to equip the candidates both professionally and spiritually to serve and minister within the context of a design firm.

Join us as we take a moment to congratulate our Fellows who completed their fellowship in June 2023.

EMI Fellowship application is now open for 2024, to start your application process follow the link below.
We invite you to partner with us in raising the next generation of design professionals through financial support. South African partners will receive the section 18A certificate for any support towards the Young Professionals Programme. For more details email