The theme of our 2023 Annual Report is Building Upon a Solid Foundation, which speaks to building upon our identity in, mandate from, and calling by Jesus.

In the report, you’ll learn how EMI Canada has served ministries around the globe, delivering design that will propel Gospel impact from the Dominican Republic to Liberia and back home to Canada. You’ll see how your financial partnership yields a far-reaching impact, and we’ll share how we plan to build upon a solid foundation, together with our community of volunteers and supporters, to multiply that impact even further in the future.

We consider you a vital part of our team. I remain grateful to God for providing EMI Canada with such a faithful group of partners who join us in building upon the solid foundation of Jesus as we follow Him in ministry together.

Financial Reports

Audited Financial Statements | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

EMI Canada’s charitable registration number is 858529753 RR0001. To view the public portion of EMI Canada’s Charity Information Return (T3010), please click here.

For more information, please contact