In 2020, we celebrated significant milestones in the service of two EMI Canada staffers who have dedicated themselves to designing a world of hope. Their service and leadership have resulted in great strides forward for the growth and impact of our office over the years. We celebrate God's faithfulness in the lives and ministries of Steve Ulrich and Greg Young.

Steve Ulrich marked his 20th year of service in December 2020. Steve's architecture career began in Canada, including thirteen years in private practice. On a YWAM missions trip with his family in the Philippines, Steve received an undeniable call from God to serve Him by combining missions and architecture.

Answering this call, Steve joined Mission Builders in 1998 and then EMI in Colorado Springs in 2000. Two years later, Steve and his family returned to Canada, where Steve founded the EMI Canada office, serving as Executive Director until 2010. Steve's extensive experience - he's been a part of more than 40 projects worldwide - and his passion for EMI's work and for people have made him an effective ambassador for EMI wherever he goes. Thank you, Steve, for 20 years of faithful and fruitful service!

Also in December 2020, Greg Young marked his 15th year of service. Originally hailing from Vancouver, BC, Greg began his architecture career in private practice in 1991, always with a heart for mission work. Greg's journey with EMI began in 2001, when he volunteered on his first EMI project. After several more EMI trips, one including his wife, Julie; Greg and his family moved to Calgary in 2005, when Greg became EMI Canada's second full-time staff member. In 2010, Greg assumed the role of Executive Director for EMI Canada, where he continues to serve with great energy and vision. He remains active as a project leader, and has been a part of over 30 projects to date.

To those who know him, Greg's enthusiasm for EMI's work is evident, as is his desire to see the gospel advance through the work of EMI's partner ministries. Thank you, Greg, for your invaluable contribution to EMI over the years!

(Pictured above: In 2002, Steve Ulrich and Greg Young worked together on the first-ever EMI Canada project trip, designing a church/community centre in the Dominican Republic for Haitian refugees.)