Your support brings to life spaces that inspire, serve, and heal. When you support EMI Canada, you empower our work and deliver hope to individuals and communities worldwide. We want to share just how your donation makes a tangible impact. Let's take you on a journey through our 7-step process.


How Your Donation Turns Into Impact

1. Empowering Passionate Professionals: 

With your generous donations, EMI Canada can retain a team of highly skilled and passionate design professionals and support staff. These individuals lead our project teams and continue EMI's transformative work.

2. Mobilizing Volunteer Expertise:

Donations allow EMI to reach out across Canada and to assemble volunteer teams of skilled individuals. These teams are not just about design but about discipleship and mentoring the next generation through our internship and fellowship programs.

3. Bridging Visions and Realities:

Your support sends EMI project teams across borders, where they immerse themselves in local communities. This crucial on-the-ground work ensures that we fully capture the vision of our ministry partners.

4. Equipping for Excellence:

Your contribution ensures that EMI Canada has the necessary infrastructure and design tools. This foundation allows us to produce high-quality architectural and engineering drawings and reports, vital in bringing project visions to life.

5. Empowering Christian Ministries:

The drawings and reports your donations generate are powerful tools for ministries worldwide. They use these materials to secure funding and facilitate the construction of safe, appropriate facilities that resonate with their mission and community needs.

6. Creating Spaces of Hope:

These projects provide well-designed spaces tailored to the ministry's needs. These facilities become hubs of service and hope, fostering community growth and transformation.

7. Spreading the Hope of Jesus:

Ultimately, donated funds help infuse communities with the hope of Jesus through the medium of design. This work is deeply integrated within the mission of EMI and aligns with the broader efforts of the Church to meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of communities worldwide. By focusing on practical solutions like providing clean water, safe shelter, and educational opportunities, EMI acts as a tangible response to the prayers of many, showcasing God’s love through each project completed.