
Photo: GVF, India. An EMI India Staff Architect designs a layout for a children's home and ministry centre. Working exclusively for Christian ministries, EMI offers excellent technical design services at non-profit rates.

EMI India mobilises teams of staff and volunteer design professionals to provide architecture & engineering services for approved development projects. EMI’s Technical Assistance Pre-Application is the first step of the project approval process.

The scope of EMI India’s architecture & engineering services include Feasibility Studies, Land Surveying, Assessments, Concept Design, Detailed Design, and Project / Construction Management. 

Assessments and Concept Design services often begin with an EMI Project Trip, where the EMI team visits the project site for 5-7 days. The team will assess & survey the property and consult with the client ministry to review the project and develop design ideas that meet the needs of the ministry.

After the Project Trip, the Assessment or Concept Design documents are the published product of the groundwork & feedback from the Project Trip consultation and focus on the first phase of the development project. It usually takes 2-3 months to publish these documents. Concept Design documents can be used for sharing vision inside & outside the client ministry to build consensus and support for the project. Concept Design is a baseline for the project & as such can be refined further with critical alterations, used to formulate informed planning strategies, or given to a local builder to guide construction.

Sample Concept Set

Some projects may require Detailed Design or planning. Once the project has a Concept Design and sufficient funds for construction, the client ministry can request additional assistance. Detailed Design plans are usually prepared for the first phase of the development project, and can take 2-4 months to produce. Detailed Designs are used directly by the project contractor / builder for construction of the project. They usually include foundation and structure plans & details, architectural detailed plans with door & window information, instructions for the water & wastewater services, etc.

Sample Detailed Design Set

Photo: CS, India. Construction workers begin to pour the roof slab at an EMI-designed school library in North India. EMI offers varying degrees of construction management services to help designs on paper become reality.

EMI India mobilises teams of staff and volunteer design professionals to provide construction support services for approved development projects. EMI’s Technical Assistance Pre-Application is the first step of the project approval process.

The scope of EMI India’s construction support services varies based on project type and location. Historically EMI India has not provided provide full-time construction support, but is now open to discussing full time Project / Construction management for select projects that are either limited in scope or are close to the Delhi office.

Available for all EMI designed projects, Limited Construction support usually consists remote assistance to the project site engineer / manager / client representative who is engaged in the day-to-day management of the project. Along with multiple 1-3 day site visits to the project on the following occasions during the project:

  1. Pre-construction meeting to discuss & review the Detailed Design plans with the key persons involved in project execution, i.e. the contractor / builder, site engineer / manager / representative, etc.
  2. Pre-construction layout of the building(s) on the site. This is to ensure the correct positioning of the building on the site master plan.
  3. Mid-construction review of progress at a key stage(s) to answer questions, review & address problems, etc. For instance, this could be before concrete is placed for the first floor of a building, or as the interior finishing work begins for the building.
  4. Post-construction review to identify missing items, develop a completion checklist, answer questions, review & address problems, etc.