Our 2021 Annual Report

With thanks to God and to our EMI community across Canada, we present our 2021 Annual Report. The theme chosen for this report is 'Advancing in Faith'. Throughout 2021, we continued to experience the challenges and restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, but God faithfully provided resources and opportunities to sustain and expand our work. Our 'advancing in faith' took the form of continuing to serve frontline ministries remotely, collaborating with other EMI offices, and taking steps toward greater future sustainability and impact. 

At EMI Canada, we design a world of hope by mobilizing design professionals who deliver design services that further the vision and impact of frontline ministries around the globe, including here in Canada. In the Annual Report, you'll learn about the nine different projects in eight different countries that our office undertook in 2021. You'll hear from one of the frontline ministries that we served right here on Canadian soil - a first for EMI Canada! You'll also see how your financial partnership with EMI Canada yields impact in the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

Click here to read the EMI Canada 2021 Annual Report



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