Our 2020 Annual Report

With gratitude, we present our 2020 Annual Report. We see this report as a marker of God's faithfulness in the midst of changing circumstances; and His provision in the midst of uncertainty.

At EMI Canada, we design a world of hope by mobilizing design professionals who deliver design services that further the vision and impact of ministry partners around the world. As the COVID-19 pandemic began unfolding, it became apparent that we would need to adapt to continue serving in this way. We had many questions. If we couldn't send teams overseas, how would we continue serving ministry partners? With several key revenue streams disrupted, and without the ability to carry out our usual in-person fundraising events, how would we fill revenue gaps? How would we continue to advance the vision of EMI across Canada and beyond in such a restricted season?

God provided answers to all of these questions, and provided the required opportunities and resources. Through God's grace, technology, collaboration, and the faithful partnership of people like you, we continued serving ministry partners around the world, delivering hope through design.

Click here to read the EMI Canada 2020 Annual Report


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