For many years, the EMI family across Canada (and beyond) has had a significant impact on EMI Canada's sustainability through participation in peer-to-peer, activity-based fundraisers.
This year has been no different. Throughout the month of June, Team EMI participants racked up the kilometres in their respective corners of the country in the Walk/Run 4 Hope, raising funds crucial to our ongoing operations. A big thank you goes out to Team EMI members and those who supported them financially!
This fall, we're looking forward to the Ride for Refuge, which has now expanded beyond cycling and walking. Participants can choose from a wide variety of activities - from baking to biking, running to reading, climbing to crocheting - and complete those activities anytime on or leading up to October 2.
How will you be involved in the Ride for Refuge this fall? You can serve as a Team Captain; participate as an individual; donate to one of our participants; or even explore corporate sponsorship.
(Pictured above: The Sutanto family in Edmonton made the Ride for Refuge a family affair.)
Click here for more information on the Ride for Refuge