Location: EMI USA | Global
Funding Needed: US$3.3M
God has provided a home for EMI in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where our ministry began almost 40 years ago!
Our new EMI home will promote stability and longevity for the ministry of EMI in the USA and around the world.

This new home for EMI's USA and Global teams is a big investment. We are trusting God that this campus purchase is a strategic step for extending our reach and securing our future as we invest in developing communities for generations to come.

Here's a look at some of the numbers:

0.3 miles from Interstate exit • 2-acre campus • 30 parking spaces • 2-story building • 1992 construction • 10,000 square feet of office space • 20 private offices • 16 open offices • 2 conference rooms • 1 elevator • and 1 amazing backyard...




More than just an office building, EMI's new home is a 2-acre campus we can grow into for the future.

Your Opportunity to Invest

We are excited that the Lord has already provided some of the initial resources for EMI to make this purchase. Currently we have $100,000 in matching funds for the building project. Through the end of 2021, your gift will be matched up to this amount.

Our ambitious goal is to pay off this mortgage and move toward even greater financial freedom to focus internationally. Your investment will help launch us into new places and programs in the next 40 years of EMI ministry.

ACT NOW: The IRS has provided a temporary suspension of limits to permit chartable cash contributions to be 100% deductible in 2021 with a carry over to 2022 (rather than a normal 60% of adjusted gross income). You can check out more on the IRS webpage, by contacting your CPA, or by contacting Graham Frank at EMI. We would love to help you take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Partner with us to design a world of hope. Give or Pledge a gift today!